“All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered;
the point is to discover them.”
You know sometimes I just have to stop and think and think hard because sometimes it seems quite unbelievable what is going on…Oh the Fifa World Cup…didn’t watch it but sure the hell heard it…almost drove me batty those bees buzzing…now what I don’t understand is do people find that noise good? If you were sitting next to someone with that gadget wouldn’t you think that sooner or later you would tell the deaf arse to shut the hell up? I really don’t think that I am the only stick in the mud in the whole bloody world that couldn’t stand the sound…and that was via the TV! And if you were a sponsor wouldn’t you be a little pissed because all the other no fun people turned down the volume of the TV so they wouldn’t be drove around the freaken bend and so they didn’t hear about your great product? And another thing I just got to wonder is what the hell? A country of people living in freakin squalor ( I did see District 9 and it was great by the way) and yet this country of social, racial disparity is throwing gajillions to throw a sporting event?Yes I am always wondering if I and my whack to the side of the head just does not see the reasoning with a lot of what is going on…A big issue that is being brought home loud and clear is that any government program that might help those who are going through physical or financial distress is just one big rigamarole that just is one big documentation, phone call after phone call, runaround to doctors shitfest that either just leaves one saying to hell with it or just with the help of self medicating with alcohol, HTP, kava kava, or prescribed mood stabilizers or street drugs that give the fortification to complete the whole ball of wax through to the end of maybe getting a pittance in disability benefits or some other government program to help get through life with dignity and stability.So how does one bureaucrat who is god knows where determine who is fit to live a ” normal ” life? With the help of a Dr.’s report of course and these days we have a medical system where many don’t even have a regular doctor or if they happen to move to a new Health Authority must start all over with one who is not so familiar with their case and maybe have no expertise in their condition so they who hold the golden keys to the access to programs and other experts can help or hinder one’s cause. And then there is also the case where they need a better doctor’s opinion so they have to wait and wait for a referral to the specialist which usually takes at least 4 months…meanwhile they have no money, are ill and need help now!Oh we have laws that are there to protect, we have social programs that are there to support and non of these mean dick squat in the end. Laws are there to be interpreted and social benefits are only given to those who have the stamina and the expertise to get through the hoops…gee maybe just maybe the reason that so many end up on the street is because they didn’t have anyone to advocate and help them through the process…I mean really those who really need the help are usually those who have severe problems…mentally physically, educationally and emotionally…and lets just throw in financially as well because we all know that those who are better off financially are a better class of people…yes they are more to be trusted and they surely wouldn’t want to cheat the government out of a buck or two!And the ones who really need the help don’t know what to do. They don’t know the ropes. They don’t have the stamina or the capacity to keep at it. I am thinking that those bums we see on the street, who maybe have come to the end of their hope and endurance and have hit bottom…is this what it bloody well takes? Hit bottom become a real burden to society, then you get their attention…then they take you seriously they give you programs, they have group homes, support groups, case workers, they now want you functioning like a “normal” person and they throw all kinds of resources at you…but you know maybe for all too many…by this it is too late…the body, spirit and mind are broken and it is just too late. You have become a no good piece of shit that nobody wants…and the only people that accept you are the other broken people so you really aren’t like the “normal” people anymore you have become sub human…a dreg.yes indeed there is a lot of things I just don’t understand these days and instead of getting wiser with my age I seem to be getting to know less…less and less about family togetherness and love, less and less about what is right and what is wrong, less and less about how this whole world keeps going on with business when the business is corrupt and unsustainable and less and less why so many other people just don’t give a shit and if they do why they don’t do a dam thing.