As one of the side events here at COP-15 CNN is hosting what they’re calling a You Tube debate. It will be starting momentarily and I will be liveblogging it then.Alright, massive problems with live blogging on the BB so here it is with edits all in one post.2:00 – apparently these questions have been submitted on you tube over the past few month2:03 – Now I shall butcher the spelling of the names of our panelists Evan Bur (UN environment working group) Darrel Hanna (actress, environmentalist) Thomas Friedman (new york times) Bion Lonburg (skeptic)2:07 – are the world leaders serious about dealing with climate change?EB- they’re recognizing that its important given interest in it but still a question of how committed they actually are2:09 – climategate question, should we actually do something if the issue doesn’t actually exist?TF acting on climate change is like buying insurance, acting in case anything happens2:15 – will countries be punished if they don’t meet their kyoto targets?EV – moral policing, governments being held accountable by the ppl DH – should be legal mechansim TF – should treat it like a race2:21 – Kofi Annan (sp?) via satellite to respond to a couple of videos2:25 – does Africa have a loud enough voice on the climate change issue?Short answer is no, suggests that all the poor countries need to band together on the climate change issue as they are all vulnerable.Follow up from host: is Africa to do enough to help itself?Some are, gives examples.DH – everyone needs to do their part and be conscious of their own emissions2:30 – irradiation and poverty seem to go hand in hand are ppl acting on both?Political will is not yet there, need transfer of green technology. Aid money can’t be replaced by climate change subsidies.2:33 – Annan is now off and we’re back to asking questions of the panel2:37 – Is human selfishness stopping us from actually takling climate change and what do we do about that?TF – give incentives for acting on climate changeDH – americans consumers need to learn to be producers to drive the issueBL – people won’t go for anything that involves paying moreEB – its a process, it won’t happen over night2:42 – why are taxes the answer, and why do we have to pay those?TF – gas price driven by gas companies so would rather have tax that goes to thing we want to invest inEB – tax will have too much backlash, poluters need to pay, cap and trade better2:51 – what decision can we make in our everyday lives to protect the environment?DH – get off fossil fuels if at all possible2:54 – now we have a guy dressed as a pirate asking about why these conferences are restricted to leaders where ppl can’t have their voices heard?TF – people actually need to show they actually really careBL – people have bigger concerns than the climateNow we’re talking over one another3:04 – kid wanting to know what we’re going to leave his generation?EV – hopefully not a runaway problem out of control3:05 – q from audience on population controlTF – need to make sure all people have access to family planning3:07 – are you optimistic that it will actually happen?EB- yesLB- only if we tackle this in a different way than we have been

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