Terahertz: Same old politics or revolution?

Progressives are buzzing after British comedian-turned-revolutionary Russell Brand released his revolutionary manifesto as guest editor of the latest issue of New Statesman and went on an anti-capitalist rant when interviewed by Jeremy Paxman on BBC Newsnight. The editorial is worth reading in its entirety. It wanders quite a bit but

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Terahertz: Brits and the Devil

Since moving to England, I haven’t been able to participate in Angus Reid surveys (their site only allows Canadian IPs to participate), so instead I’ve been getting my polling participation fix through YouGov. The most recent one I completed was just released and is part of a UK-USA comparison of

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Terahertz: Political Atheists

The Huffington Post has a piece comparing open atheists in government in the USA with the UK. They note that only two American legislators have only ever really professed non-belief: Pete Stark and Barney Frank (the latter admitting it after leaving politics). Meanwhile, the current deputy Prime Minister of the

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