ALTAVISTAGOOGLE: Top Gear On 60 Minutes

Top Gear is the one non-girl show on BBC Canada. In the UK, half of Top Gear viewers are women! That makes sense, since about everybody in the UK is watching (slight exaggeration). Anyway, I used to fork over $2.75 a month for the privilege of watching the show on BBC Canada. When I cut my cable last year, I actually paid iTunes for the privilege, à la carte. Since, I’ve conte<p>&

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ALTAVISTAGOOGLE: David Letterman is Fat

What do you mean you don’t have Letterman embeded on your blog?

Since cutting the cord, I can no longer watch Letterman episodes. Global Maritimes (digital HD Over The Air) doesn’t even carry it (possibly thanks to evil NTV). However, thanks to the generous folks at CBS, they let this Canadian watch short clips, despite not being in the geographical target market of their online video

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Saskboy's Abandoned Stuff: Fight Fox

It’s the crime story of the decade, and maybe as important as Wikileaks. Help take down News Corp. to limit the power of Murdoch. The following is an email from Avazz: – Wow! In just a few days almost 10000 of us have donated to take on Murdoch’s global media empire! Let’s turn the scandal […]

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Things Are Good: Stove Man Turns up the Heat

Stoves can make a world of difference in places that rely extensively on old-school resource like wood and cow patties. Using an efficient stove can save trees from being felled and limit the amount of pollutants released during the cooking process.
Here’s episode one of Stove Man made by the Paradigm Project:

Episode 1: Woodwalk from The […]

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ALTAVISTAGOOGLE: What I Have Been Watching

Internet TV is great, except it does require a bit of work as sometimes it feels like there are 2 billion channels and nothing worth watching.

So to help you out, here are some of the shows I’ve been watching that I recommend for when you need your TV fix.

The links below are valid in Canada, in other countries, use your favourite search engine.

-Frontline (PBS)
-Jersey Shore, Seas…

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