Anti-Racist Canada: The ARC Collective: American III%er Calling For Coup in Canada and Murder of Prime Minister; His Views Promoted By Vancouver Alt-Right Supporter

ARC has spoken somewhat briefly about Glen Dumont in previous articles: He can be found walking around downtown Vancouver, sometimes attending anti-government rallies in support of those causes or at events he opposes generally being mildly annoying. In almost all of these cases he will provide a Live Feed of

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Scripturient: Fire and Fury reviewed

Dysfunctional. Childish. Self-centred. Narcissistic. Ideologically myopic. Illiterate. Cranky. Capricious. Arrogant. Scheming. Petty. Ill-educated. No, I’m not writing about our local council (although, yes, all those words apply equally to The Block). These are some of the words that came to mind as I read Michael Wolff’s book, Fire and Fury:

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