RELEASED: New TPP leaks show just how much the U.S. wants to dominate Internet Censorship negotiations

Wikileaks has released a new set of texts from the ultra-secretive Trans-Pacific Parternship (TPP) negotiations. The text reveals that there is strong disagreement over 119 outstanding issues, with the U.S. refusing to compromise its efforts at dominating the discussions – and outcomes – of the agreement. The new leaks come

Continue reading Australians warn Canadians about 88 million dollar economic fallout from caving into U.S. pressure on digital policy

OpenMedia_CA_248x208.png Trade Ministers set to gather for crucial Singapore TPP talks with U.S. lobbyists aiming to strong-arm Canada into adopting Internet censorship rules that damaged the Australian economy December 6, 2013 – Australian experts are warning Canada about the damaging economic fallout of adopting U.S.-driven Internet censorship rules under the

Continue reading Broad coalition to TPP governments: Pull provisions that restrict access to knowledge and open innovation

Censorship_FBShare_131115.png Organizations spanning nearly every TPP nation calls for a new approach that respects broad interests not just that of old US media conglomerates November 21, 2013: Today the Fair Deal Coalition has called on Governments involved in the TPP negotiations to reject copyright proposals that would limit the open

Continue reading Internet governance expert says U.S. trying to strong-arm Canada into economically-damaging Internet censorship rules in international agreement

Censorship_FBShare_131115.png Leading expert Carolina Rossini tells Vancouver audience that carefully crafted Canadian copyright laws could be overturned by extreme U.S.-driven proposals in Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement November 19, 2013 – Carolina Rossini, a renowned U.S.-based expert on international Internet governance, told an audience in Vancouver last night that the U.S. government

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