A Puff of Absurdity: Dear Orli

You wrote about the education system ruining your health because you started having panic attacks when you realized your future would be based on a set of criteria created by exam boards. You think young people are feeling pressure that shouldn’t be imposed on anyone.  You ask, “How can we

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A Puff of Absurdity: On Measuring Well

In Plato’s Protagoras, Socrates and Protagoras argue over the language Protagoras uses to explain what happens when, as he describes it, pleasure overtakes reason and people make horrible choices.  Socrates insists that it’s not pleasure that overtakes reason, but ignorance.  Here’s some key bits of the passage: They maintain that

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A Puff of Absurdity: On Thinking

I’m not even talking about critical thinking here, just plain ol’ thinking.  It’s funny how many seem unable or unwilling to do it. While I was in a discussion group talking about Chris Hedges last week, one of the older gentlemen in the group complained that Hedges explained a lot

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A Puff of Absurdity: Sex Ed Redux

The papers are full of stories about the fight for and against new sex education legislation.  Wynne seems to be holding her ground this time, though, so I’m not sure any of the debating will come to anything.  But it’s raised some interesting questions and ideas, and provoked a long

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