Warren Kinsella: #LavScam lawsuit lunacy, latest

The Globe and Mail’s John Ibbitson called it “needs-to-have-his-head-examined foolish.” The National Post’s Matt Gurney said it was “absolutely bonkers” and evidence of having “utterly lost [his] mind.” Former Chretien communications boss Peter Donolo suggested it was “a mistake in a number of ways.” The Post’s Andrew Coyne cheerfully quoted

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Warren Kinsella: #LavScam lesson

I teach crisis communications to lawyers-to-be at the University of Calgary’s Faculty of Law, my alma mater. My students, as always, are terrific. And, for the whole term, we’ve been focussing on just one topic: LavScam. It makes sense. LavScam is the perfect fusion of a communications crisis and the

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The Disaffected Lib: You Loved Him When He Tore into Stephen Harper. Probably Not So Much Now. Michael Harris Takes Justin to the Woodshed.

Corruption, the exercise of official powers without regard for the public good, exacts a monstrous cost on multiple levels. Michael Harris is at it again, casting bones and reading entrails, Justin Trudeau’s this time. He writes it’s not looking good for Canada’s prime minister. None of this needed to happen. 

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Warren Kinsella: Justice and Justin

There was a moment, during Justin Trudeau’s saturnalian March 7 LavScam press conference, where the Prime Minister waxed poetic. He grew misty-eyed. He looked up from his notes. He sounded wistful. He loved Justice, he said. He really did. He and his Dad both did. “The files that were closest

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