The Liberal Scarf: Former Conservative candidate and "shadow MP" on your tax dollars arrested in Quebec corruption probe “He was known as the “shadow MP” of the federal Mont-Royal riding, hovering and thinking about making another run at the job after losing in 2011….Saulie Zajdel’s stunning arrest Monday on five charges including breach of trust, corruption and fraud sent a shock wave through the ranks of the

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The Canadian Progressive: Montreal Police Violated Protesters’ Rights During Student Protests, Says Report

By: Obert Madondo | The Canadian Progressive:  The Montreal Police violated the rights of protesters during the 2012 student protests, says a new 47-page report  based on 384 witness accounts. The report, called ”Testimonies of the Student Strike: Repression And Discrimination,” was compiled by ASSÉ, Quebec’s largest student federation, in association with the Quebec Human Rights

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