Susan on the Soapbox: CSEC Exonerated

Mr Jean-Pierre Plouffe, CSEC watchdog, has determined that CSEC is off the hook,it did not direct any activity at Canadians or persons in Canada.  He’s hanging his hat on the distinction between “collecting metadata” and “tracking Canadians”.  I guess if CSEC activity isn’t “directed” at Canadians, then CSEC bears no responsibility

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Susan on the Soapbox: One Dead Fish or More Big Ideas? The Quality of Debate in Redford’s Government

Premier Redford complains bitterly about the quality of debate in the Legislature; apparently we need more “big ideas” and less “parochial debate”.*  However her Environmental Minister continues to provide fatuous explanations for why it took nineteen days to issue an Environmental Protection Order in connection with the largest coal mining

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