Peace, order and good government, eh?: Campaign Capers: The perfect man for the job

Intergovernmental Affairs Minister Peter Penashue has promised to do something very unusual this coming Tuesday. He’s going to offer an explanation. My interest in Penashue was originally piqued by this video posted at Impolitical in which the minister mindlessly recites the same non-answer to every question the reporter can think to ask him. Until this past week, he’d been doing pretty much the same with every reporter since then, though not many have had the opportunity to get even that much from him. And until this past week, his colleagues on the opposition side of the Commons were getting even less. Questions put to the member about possible irregularities in his campaign financing were being fielded by anyone but. So the NDP decided to talk about intergovernmental affairs and actually got Penashue to stand up and start talking….

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