wmtc: the move west: bonus track

If you are following along, you might want to check comments, too. Allan often has interesting notes that he adds as comments. From yesterday: So we passed the geographical centre of Canada today. Tomorrow morning (Friday), we will pass the halfway point in distance on the trip. That will be

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wmtc: wmtc moves west

We are moving to Vancouver Island! As soon as I find a good library job there — which may be very soon — we are giving notice, packing up, and driving across this beautiful country in a little car with a big dog in the back seat. Why are we

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wmtc: we head north

We’re going glamping! Allan, Diego, and I are hitting the road. Driving this: Going here: Killarney Provincial Park Lake Superior Provincial Park Sleeping Giant Provincial Park Kakabeka Falls Provincial Park Pancake Bay Provincial Park Grundy Lake Provincial Park Plus quick visits to Sudbury, Sault Ste. Marie, and Thunder Bay. Doing

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