Anti-Racist Canada: The ARC Collective: Old Is New Again: Some Members of Far-Right Attempt To Have Ideological Opponents, Media, and Politicians Jailed

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the "apex" of far-right "patriot" journalism in Canada: Yep, this is a clip of a drunken Rick Boswick, Derek Storie, and Corey/Kory…. Something-or-Other (I genuinely can't be bothered to look up his last name) defaming a journalist who has already been assaulted by the

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Anti-Racist Canada: The ARC Collective: Christchurch Truthers: Denial of Right-wing Violence As A Self-Preservation Strategy

This past Saturday, PEGIDA Canada tried to march in Toronto. It went poorly as the tiny contingent of PEGIDA supporters, Nouns of Odin, Northern Guard, and Canadian Combat Coalition members were outnumbered by between 250 to 300 counter-protesters: yesterday's counter demo in #toronto was brutally demoralizing for the far-right scum

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Anti-Racist Canada: The ARC Collective: The Cozy Relationship Between Rebel Media Personalities (Past and Present) and White Nationalist Generation Identity/ID Canada

Back on July 2, 2016 a rally and counter protest occurred at Queens Park in Toronto which in and of itself wasn't especially unusual. On this day were those who were demonstrating in support of al-Quds Day. On the other side were counter-protesters including the Jewish Defence League and supporters

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Anti-Racist Canada: The ARC Collective: Anti-Muslim Protesters Outnumbered In Toronto At Mel Lastman and Nathan Phillips Squares; Islamophobes Possessed Weapons

On January 29, 2017, six men were murdered at a Quebec City mosque. While most decent humans were heartbroken and reached out in support of the Canadian-Muslim community, this blog has provided ample evidence that Alexandre Bissonnette fellow Islamophobes either were thrilled by the attack, attempted to blame Muslims, or denied

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