wmtc: now blogging, david heap

My friend and comrade David Heap is now blogging. Among other things, David will be writing about his experiences on the Tahrir, the Canadian Boat to Gaza, including his arrest and imprisonment. I am very much looking forward to reading that story and whatever else David writes. You can find

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Red Tory v.3.0.3: “Invented People”

Some may be familiar by now with controversial remarks made to an obscure Jewish cable TV channel last week by current Republican frontrunner Newt Gringrich while desperately trolling for the wingnut evangelical vote in Iowa, declaring that Palestinians are “an invented people” – essentially, nothing but a deceitful, illegitimate fabrication

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Peace, order and good government, eh?: Democracy for me but not for thee

Barack Obama ‘will veto’ Palestinian UN bid Barack Obama has told Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas he will veto his bid for UN membership… The position being taken by Obama — and by our own government — is that Palestinian statehood can only occur as a result of successful negotiations with Israel. Details aside, this effectively puts Israel entirely in control. As long as the Israeli government wanted to drag its feet, change the rules or otherwise prevent that successful negotiation from ever concluding then Palestinians would remain stateless. The future of Palestinians is entirely under the control of a government for which they have never had, and will never have, the opportunity to vote. How is it again that Israel is the only real democracy in the Middle East when it claims control over the fate of people who have no vote and no voice? And how is it again that the United States and Canada are the countries who promote democracy? Update: And Israelis say: A joint poll by the Harry S. Truman Research Institute for the Advancement of Peace at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research in the Occupied Palestinian…

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