Saskboy's Abandoned Stuff: Use the Porche.

This isn’t the hotel you’re looking for. Oda is ^NOT a good Canadian politician. She’s decidedly on the dark side of politics, accused for years of extravagant spending, and contempt for Canadians and our institutions. I feel so badly for her constituents. She’s a royal pain in the you-know-what (pocketbook).

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Art Threat: Killed by Canada’s Oil & Gas companies? – Doc subject & eco-activist Wiebo Ludwig succumbs to cancer

Wiebo Ludwig, Canada’s controversial anti-oil patch activist died of esophageal cancer yesterday, leaving behind a legacy of resistance against this country’s dirtiest industry and greediest corporations. The Albertan had his share of scuffles with the law (and a shamefully demonizing mainstream media), and was accused (and charged once) of eco-terrosim

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