Saskboy's Abandoned Stuff: Passion

Why is there such passionate debate over climate change? It’s not like many global problems tend to inflame heated debate all too often at a local level, but climate change is different because it’s such an old and unresolved serious problem. When acid rain was destroying forests, swifter action was

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Pop The Stack: Economicus Illogicus

Economicus Illogicus Prime Minister, I simply don’t understand you’re approach here. You’re an economist right?So tell me, what is there to gain by rapidly extracting and selling resources in this way? There is no hurry in selling these resources, in an increasingly resource scarce world surely the general trend will

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Pop The Stack: Economicus Illogicus

Economicus Illogicus Prime Minister, I simply don’t understand you’re approach here. You’re an economist right?So tell me, what is there to gain by rapidly extracting and selling resources in this way? There is no hurry in selling these resources, in an increasingly resource scarce world surely the general trend will

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earthgauge: Earthgauge Radio September 27, 2012: Disappearing Arctic sea ice and Ottawa’s Environment Committee Chair Maria McRae

Download: earthgauge-podcast-sept27-2012.mp3 On this week’s edition of Earthgauge Radio, we’re talking about the astonishing summer melt of Arctic sea ice and we check in with the Chair of the City of Ottawa Environment Committee. I have 3 interviews on today’s show: Peter Wadhams, professor of Ocean Physics and Head of

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