Warren Kinsella: Excuses, excuses

In the morning papers, columnists regularly canvass the latest political excuse-makings here and here. Happens a lot, when you think of it. Here’s the three that bug me the most: There’s nothing more pathetic in politics than: I was quoted out of context/ He’s way better in person/ The other

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Warren Kinsella: The N Word

The president said it. My gut tells me he shouldn’t have done so.  An older essay by comedian Jehmu Greene best explains why, on Fox News, of all places: The idea that “nigger” is powerless is a somewhat nonsensical sentiment oft repeated by those who make their living slinging it.

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Warren Kinsella: WWCD

Here, amusingly (amusing because I have to use Google to find an example from one of my own books), is the etymology of the What Would Chretien Do? thing: Others have written about the high regard in which the Harper Conservatives hold my former boss, here and here and here.

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