Cowboys for Social Responsibility: The Seinfeldian candidate

It’s becoming harder to consider NDP leadership candidate Nathan Cullen as a serious contender.

Cullen’s failure to take a stand on the Tory bill to repeal the long gun registry is just another demonstration that he either doesn’t understand that New Democrats want "to make sure that Canadians know which way that we vote" or was putting his leadership aspirations ahead of whatever principles he

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I Knew The Scrapping of The Long Gun Registry Was Never About Farmers and Hunters

The above image is a ruger mini-14 semi-automatic. Tell me, boys ‘n’ girls, does that look like something that would be required to shoot ducks and other game?  I didn’t think so neither.  Well, proud owners of those machines will no longer have to register them under the new Harpercon legislation, . . . → Read More: I Knew The Scrapping of The Long Gun Registry Was Never About Farmers and Hunters

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They Call Me "Mr. Sinister": Morning WTF

Hands up, if you knew that assault rifles were unrestricted weapons in the country? Snowdy said he has been sleuthing around the RCMP firearms program. He claims the RCMP wants to reclassify a number of military assault rifle style weapons currently classified as non-restricted, making them either restricted or prohibited.

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They Call Me "Mr. Sinister": Morning WTF

Hands up, if you knew that assault rifles were unrestricted weapons in the country? Snowdy said he has been sleuthing around the RCMP firearms program. He claims the RCMP wants to reclassify a number of military assault rifle style weapons currently classified as non-restricted, making them either restricted or prohibited.

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Jane Taber and Candy Hoeppner Are Now Into Fiction: Part 2–Inconsistencies Between Scrapping C-391 And Tough On Crime Agenda

Part 2 doesn’t really have anything to do with Janie Taber’s little apparent attempt at fiction regarding Candy getcherguns Hoeppner’s little ego trip, but it did raise questions in mind like how does stripping away at gun control square with a tough on crime agenda? How does the meme of not wanting to . . . → Read More: Jane Taber and Candy Hoeppner Are Now Into Fiction: Part 2–Inconsistencies Between Scrapping C-391 And Tough On Crime Agenda

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