DeSmogBlog: Federal Investigation: "Complete Breakdown of Safety at Enbridge" Caused Kalamazoo River Tar Sands Oil Spill

Enbridge.jpg   It was the most expensive pipeline oil spill in the country’s history, the fallout from which still plagues the local communities, and government investigators have found that it was entirely preventable. The National Transportation Safety Board released its findings from a two year investigation of the 2010 Enbridge tar

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Scott's DiaTribes: ‘It won’t happen here’ is the likely Conservative defence for Northern Gateway pipeline

The Conservative government can’t be liking this US preliminary report too much on the Enbridge oil spill in Michigan: Enbridge “employees performed like Keystone Kops” in addressing the spill, demonstrating “a culture of deviance,” whereby staff felt they could freely ignore company procedures and protocols. So lame was Enbridge’s response

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The Disaffected Lib: Wear This, Enbridge

“Trust Us.”   That’s the theme behind Enbridge’s Northern Gateway pipeline PR campaign.   The company is desperate to get the public convinced they’re trustworthy.   They’re pros, they know what they’re doing, they can handle any pipeline problems that come their way.  Bollocks. At some point Enbridge is going to have to

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Northern Insight: Nikiforuk examines Enbridge

Spill Crisis: ‘Whatever, We’re Going Home’, Andrew Nikiforuk, The Tyee “…damning U.S. regulatory reports portraying Calgary-based Enbridge as a company that ignored safety protocols and warning alarms as well as the recommendations of previous safety audits in what amounted to a botched response to one of the continent’s largest freshwater

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Left Over: Aww,isn’t that just too Cute? Full of lies and pastel-soft illustrations, the Enbridge ‘blog’ is now being featured as a big ol’ ad in Hufpost Canada…pretty disgusting that they would even accept the money, but not much of a surprise.. You can go and look if you are feeling particularly masochistic – so far,

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Northern Insight: Crude lies

Pipeline spill risks are low, Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipelines “… with modern pipeline design and mitigation measures, the risks are very low… “What we can say is that at Enbridge, we take our responsibility very seriously. An ounce of prevention may be worth a pound of cure, but we certainly

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