Georgia Straight: OpenMedia encourages voters to consider policies around access, privacy in federal election

Check out this amazing coverage of our pro-Internet election plan on The Georgia Straight! The Internet is something we shouldn’t take for granted. We should take action to have our democratic rights as citizens, to make sure it stays open, accessible and free for everyone. This election, vote for the Internet!

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Saskboy's Abandoned Stuff: HarperMan

Not surprisingly, the musician is being investigated by the paranoid and vindictive Harper Government. The Streisand Effect is working though, and is a hit today. When I tweeted #Harperman last June & you RTed it @saskboy, I did wonder if #cpc thugs would come after Tony. They sure did.

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Eh Types: Up For Debate

You and I are different.  We’re not like everyone else. We may have never met, but I can say we are unique with a great degree of certainty. Two simple facts tell me so. I wrote this piece, and you are reading it. Most people don’t seek out yet another debate

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