Dead Wild Roses: A Rant on Words

I hate the word ‘utilize’. There is an art form to selecting words. One mustn’t be drab, nor overly verbose. Large words should be used for clarity and precision in terms of expressing one’s intent. They should NOT be used to merely for the sake of making the speaker sound

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We Have Our Priorities

According to Correctional Services Canada, the average annual cost of keeping someone in a federal prison in Canada in 2004-2005 was $88,067 . Now compare that to the annual amount spent per student in Canada during the same time period of $8726 including operating budgets and salaries.

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Top story of 2011

First of all, best wishes to all of you in your endeavours in the new year.  We need more then ever to strive towards enlightenment in the new reality that we pretend is democracy.  In this spirit, I will resolve to educate as many people as I can reach on

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Trashy's World: Bottle drive!

Wondering what to do with all of those bottles that were merrily emptied over the holidays? Think no more… at least if you’re in Ottawa. The Pleasant Park Public School Council is working hard to raise money to build a new play structure. And you can help! Let us carry

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350 or bust: Hallelujah

Posted last December, here is the Hallelujah Chorus brought to you by the 5th grade class of Kuinerrarmiut Elitnaurviat in Quinhagak, Alaska. It was originally intended for an audience of about 200, in the surrounding villages. It has now had over 750,000 views. So, Merry Christmas from Quinhagak, Alaska! *Special

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Exponential Book: Customers

Imagine the following, hypothetical situation: the owner of a small high-tech company needs all of his employees retrained, in view of the adoption of a new, company-wide software system. He decides to send a few of them to a week-long course with a private firm, specialized in offering short courses

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