Canada II: Capital Gains Tax Arguments

Well, south of the border Mitt Romney released his tax records. Death and Taxes Guess what, everybody is discussing whether or not capital gains taxes should be at a higher rate or not. Of course, we have the usual douchebag economics arguments: Double taxation: corporations already pay taxes on their

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Canada II: Capital Gains Tax Arguments

Well, south of the border Mitt Romney released his tax records. Death and Taxes Guess what, everybody is discussing whether or not capital gains taxes should be at a higher rate or not. Of course, we have the usual douchebag economics arguments: Double taxation: corporations already pay taxes on their

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Canada II: Douchebag Economics

I have no argument with the vast majority of mainstream economic theory. In fact I will quickly suggest that I understand and agree with the following items: Competitive advantage: trading partners generate higher overall productivity via trade. Free market efficiency: free markets are very efficient at allocating capital between profitable

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Canada II: Douchebag Economics

I have no argument with the vast majority of mainstream economic theory. In fact I will quickly suggest that I understand and agree with the following items: Competitive advantage: trading partners generate higher overall productivity via trade. Free market efficiency: free markets are very efficient at allocating capital between profitable

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Canada II: Capitalism is the Crisis

I know some people think that the profit motive is perfect but it’s not. It’s incredibly efficient at allocating resources but it doesn’t take into account the needs of human beings that aren’t expressed in terms of profit and expense: This is the full video, from YouTube. You may want

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Larry Hubich's Blog: Net Benefit

“Rio Tinto and Caterpillar Electro Motive are newly minted Canadian corporate citizens who have locked their workers out to freeze and starve. These corporate muggers were allowed into Canada and encouraged in their anti Canadianism by the Harper Junta. It’s going to be a cold winter and a hot summer

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