Scripturient: It’s Not a Wonderful Life

I’m convinced many Americans – Donald Trump among them – think Frank Capra’s famous film, It’s a Wonderful Life, was a documentary, not entertainment. It has all the elements of Trumpist utopia: a white, Christian, unquestionably patriotic, male-dominated, patriarchal culture where the bad guy gets away with stealing from others,

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Dead Wild Roses: star wars

Author dudes, screen write dudes… Hell! Dudes of the creative class – watch and learn an important lesson that you’ve been missing well, since forever. Females beautifully ‘ruining’ Star Wars one movie at a time. 🙂   H/T to Rey Walker for the animated gifs. Filed under: Culture, Feminism, Media

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Scripturient: The vulgar crowd

Profanum vulgus. The vulgar crowd. Not, however, as you might suspect, an apt description of the remaining few supporters of The Block that rules Collingwood Council. While perhaps appropriately described, to me that small handful are better described as naïve, gullible and even intellectually vulnerable, moreso than merely vulgar. But

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