Left Over: We’ve Only Just Begun…

Emperor Steve and his nightmare circus clowns have deemed it the ‘cost of doing business’ to redress the pushback that his Enbridge  dirty deal has caused..necessary and desirable to offer up to profit mongering the possible destruction  of  the West Coast’s environment..and we are, happily, prepared to take him on.

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Rusty Idols: Wild Rose promises to waste your tax dollars…

…by attempting to discriminate against gays and women seeking reproductive services, guaranteed to cause legal challenges equally guaranteed to be decided against the Alberta Government after expensive legal battles with preordained results. So called ‘Conscience Rights’ have been decisively adjudicated.  People in government licensed positions like Marriage Commissioners MAY NOT

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Rusty Idols: Damn Peasants!

The Globe and Mail sniffs in outraged offense at the peons daring to inconvenience or insult their betters. Consider contacting the Globe and Mail and expressing how you feel about this display of patrician disdain.  Try to avoid any tempting four letter words. Hat tip to Dawg sdnxry5z7g

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