The Canadian Progressive: U.S.: Cutting through the indefinite detention and NDAA controversy

by Cora Currier | ProPublica: Last Tuesday, the Senate passed the National Defense Authorization Act, or NDAA, a yearly military spending bill. Last year, the bill affirmed the U.S.’s authority to hold suspected terrorists indefinitely and without charges. The provision had generated plenty of controversy, particularly about whether U.S. citizens could be detained indefinitely.  This year, the Senate bill says that citizens

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Accidental Deliberations: Monday Morning Links

Miscellaneous material for your Monday reading. – Barrie McKenna discusses the cost of public-private partnerships: Disturbing new research highlights some serious flaws in how governments tally the benefits of public-private partnerships versus conventional projects. Too little is known about how these contracts work, who benefits and who pays. This week,

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Northern Insight: American dichotomy

Mitt Romney is preparing for next week’s commencement speech at Liberty University. Appearance at an anti-evolution, anti-gay school rated America’s 535th best college by Forbes seems fitting for the GOP candidate since Washington Post is reporting that as a high school senior, Romney led a group that swarmed and assaulted

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