Canadian Progressive World: Duly Quoted: Chris Hedges On Occupy Wall Street And “The Canadian Prime Minister”

This is a quote from a popular article on Canada, Prime Minister Stephen Harper, U.S. President Barack Obama and the corrupting influence of corporate power, by award-winning journalist & activist, Chris Hedges. In the article, Hedges asks the same questions Canadian progressives now ask themselves everyday: What happened to Canada? “Global financiers

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Mind of Dan: Intense Jealousy

I am not a jealous person… or at least I wasn’t until I saw this picture: NASA astronaut Don Pettit, Expedition 31 flight engineer, posing with more digital cameras than you can shake a stick at in the International Space Station (h/t boingboing) Related posts (randomly generated) Space Shuttle Endeavour Blasts Off

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Mind of Dan: Higgs

The brainiacs at CERN have found the Higgs Boson!!! Or rather they have found a new particle that resembles what they think the Higgs should look like. Phil Plait has a good run-down of what this means for our understanding of the universe that is worth reading. The very short

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Left Over: Aww,isn’t that just too Cute? Full of lies and pastel-soft illustrations, the Enbridge ‘blog’ is now being featured as a big ol’ ad in Hufpost Canada…pretty disgusting that they would even accept the money, but not much of a surprise.. You can go and look if you are feeling particularly masochistic – so far,

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