wherefore art thou, Canadian Constitution? local corporate government operating in federal jurisdiction

Part 3 in Priscilla’s series on municipal government.


The Nature of Corporate Government – Part 3

It appears that Lumby Council’s Noise By-law regulation circumvents basic rights offered to breathing people under the Canadian Constitution.  Lumby’s Noise regulation allows a Bylaw Officer to enter someone’s property to ensure compliance.

First of . . . → Read More: wherefore art thou, Canadian Constitution? local corporate government operating in federal jurisdiction

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Smart Meters? Not so fast!

Bill Tieleman posted on his blog this morning about his objections to the SmartMeter Program that BC Hydro is attempting to foist upon us.

BC Hydro claims the completely safe wireless-transmitting smart meters will save you money and the environment by letting you — and them — monitor electricity usage. Then you can . . . → Read More: Smart Meters? Not so fast!

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Another Example of How Sucking Up To Stevie Spiteful Pays Off

In spades! Betcha Loose Larry Cannon must stamping his widdle feet somewhere. No senate seat; no diplomatic post.  Perhaps Stevie is catching enough flack for sending  loser Harpercon candidates to the senate, so he figured, let’s give a disgraced ex-premier a diplomatic post –and we’ll make it someone from a provincial Liberal party too so . . . → Read More: Another Example of How Sucking Up To Stevie Spiteful Pays Off

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