In This Corner: MLAs Behaving Badly.

Today, for your amusement/outrage, your humble correspondent presents MLAs Behaving Badly. By sheer coincidence, all of the MLAs in this blog are PCs. Seriously, it’s just a coincidence. Thomas Lukaszuk The first example of an MLA Behaving Badly was widely reported: Thomas ‘Tommy Boy’ Lukaszuk’s run-in with a constituent. You

Continue reading - Alberta politics blog: sparks will fly as party leaders take off their gloves at tonight’s “make or break” televised debate.

The televised leaders' debate starts tonight at 6:30pm. Tonight’s hotly anticipated televised Leaders’ Debate will be the first time that the four main party leaders have debated each other in this format. All eyes will be on Progressive Conservative Premier Alison Redford and Wildrose Party leader Danielle Smith, but do

Continue reading - Alberta politics blog: redford orders mla’s to return pay, cancels transition allowance, and sherman crashes her party.

Premier Alison Redford has announced that Tory MLA’s will repay all the money they received from the Standing Committee on Privileges and Elections (aka the “no-work” committee) and that MLA’s who retire or are defeated in future elections may not received a generous severance package. Ordering Tory MLAs to pay

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