Seeing Red in the Southwest: Been called worse things…

Sarah Palin, in her softball interview with Fox’s Greta VanSusteren, calls bloggers ‘kids in pajamas sitting in the basement of their parents’ home". As Pierre Eliot Trudeau once said, "I’ve been called worse things by better people." I’m sitting comfortably in my own home with my laptop, reading the news online and processing how I think and feel about a particular item then finding facts to

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Seeing Red in the Southwest: Imperfect Remembrance

The bugler’s Last Post signals our silence while Reveille awakens us to our responsibilities. Canadians across the land will be attending Remembrance Day services this morning. Or have done so already in church or at some cenotaph services held on Sunday.An elder veteran (86 yrs) at my church stood up to remind us of one mistake we’ve made all these years. He said "our memory is imperfect, as is

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