redjenny: Post-Civilization

Post-Civ! A brief philosophical and political introduction to the concept of post-civilization is an interesting read. Post-civilized thought is based on three simple premises: 1 – This civilization is, from its foundation, unsustainable. It probably cannot be salvaged, and, what’s more, it would be undesirable to do so.2 – It

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redjenny: Post-Civilization

Post-Civ! A brief philosophical and political introduction to the concept of post-civilization is an interesting read. Post-civilized thought is based on three simple premises: 1 – This civilization is, from its foundation, unsustainable. It probably cannot be salvaged, and, what’s more, it would be undesirable to do so.2 – It

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redjenny: Post-Civilization

Post-Civ! A brief philosophical and political introduction to the concept of post-civilization is an interesting read.

Post-civilized thought is based on three simple premises:

1 – This civilization is, from its foundation, unsustainable. It probably cannot be salvaged, and, what’s more, it would be undesirable to do so.
2 – It is neither possible, nor desirable, to return to a pre-civilized state of being.
3 – It is therefore desirable to imagine and enact a post-civilized culture.

I certainly don’t agree with the whole thing but I do like its spirit: “We are for an ecologically-focused green anarchism and we are for mutual aid, free association, and self-determination.”

Download it here (small PDF file), or try Post-Civ!, a deeper exploration for more detail.

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redjenny: ‘Tent cities’ of homeless on the rise across the US

Homeless encampments dubbed “tent cities” are springing up across the US, partly in response to soaring numbers of home repossessions, the credit crunch and rising unemployment, according to a report.

Homelessness, car camps and tent cities are certainly not new, but they are growing rapidly.

In Reno, Nevada, the state with the nation’s highest repossessions rate, a tent city recently sprung up on the city’s outskirts and quickly filled up with about 150 people. Many, such as Sylvia Flynn, 51, who came from northern California, ended up homeless after losing their jobs and home.

Officials say they do not know how many homeless the city has. “But we do know that the soup kitchens are serving hundreds more meals a day and that we have more people who are homeless than we can remember,” Jodi Royal-Goodwin, the city’s redevelopment agency director, said.

In California, the upmarket city of Santa Barbara is housing homeless people who live in their cars in city car parks while Fresno, has several tent cities. Others have sprung up in Portland in Oregon, and Seattle, where homeless activists have set up mock tent cities at city hall to draw attention to the problem.

Meanwhile, new encampments have appeared, or existing ones grown, in San Diego, Chattanooga in Tennessee, and Columbus, Ohio.Story>

Some quick internet searching uncovered many others, in Dallas, Olympia, L.A., Athens, Georgia, Columbus. Others, like Tenessee and St. Petersburg have been shut down.

MSNBC has a photo essay on a large tent city in Sacramento, juxtaposing it with the Sacramento tent city of the Great Depression.

There are homes sitting empty, while people have no place to live. Excess supply coexisting with excess demand. The invisible hand has failed these people.

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Andy Lehrer: NDP Convention (3): Prue

Video presentation – shots of Regent Park with voiceover by Prue on growing up in a poor neighbourhood and the importance of making sure children have opportunity. Talks about his success as mayor of East York, building community centres and daycare, paying down the debt without raising taxes. I’m a

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Andy Lehrer: NDP convention

Liveblogging from the NDP convention. Bisson has raised the most amount of money followed by Tabuns, Horwath and Prue. We’ll see the relationship between money and votes soon. My prediction is that Horwath will win since her significant lead in the labour vote will give her a boost overall. Steel

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Andy Lehrer: NDP convention (4): Tabuns

Cheri DiNovo introduces Tabuns, mentioned “democratic socialism” in her review of party history. Tabuns represents the best of the NDP’s traditition. he has an industrial economic vision, zeal for a prosperous province, represents new direction and our founding values, feminist, unionist, environmentalist, democratic socialist Peter Tabuns. Ravi Joshi: I support

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My Canada Includes Justice: I hate you all.

Yes, that’s me at the wheel of a Hummer. And if you look closely, I am showing you some disrespect with a hand gesture. Not that it’s needed! By driving one of these things, you are basically saying, "Fuck the environment, and fuck YOU".Who the hell drives these things? It’s 2009. There’s talk about whether it might be too late to reverse the damage we’ve done to the environment. There was

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