NDP Ideas: The Story Behind Haiti

In case people were wondering exactly why Haiti is the poorest and can never get their act together, this story in Foreign Policy is a must read. The Unluckiest Country The second-oldest republic in the Western Hemisphere has been wracked by coups, dictators, and foreign interventions throughout nearly its entire

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Here are a a couple of pictures I took on the Berrycam. Doing a quick count, I estimated that 130 – 150 people congregated outside of Colin Carrie’s office in downtown Oshawa.The overwhelming message? It seemed to me that there were a few.1. That the H…

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Pop The Stack: Canada 2.0

Today’s protests around Canada against the Conservative’s reckless abuse of power were a great success, look here, even the Globe and Mail is impressed. So, how did a little ‘internet protest’ turn into over 25,000 feet on the ground in over 60 locations across the country today? Two reasons. First,  Canadians are awesome!  Second, Facebook […]

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Thus Prate the Pundit » Social Critique: Angus Asks for Answers to ACTA Secrets

Charlie Angus (NDP) penned an open letter1 (.doc) (26 January 2010) to Peter Van Loan (Conservative Minister of International Trade) regarding the ongoing secretive ACTA negotiations and Canadian copyright issues. Considering the ACTA negotiations have occurred largely in secret but collide head-on with copyright issues widely discussed over the last few years, it’s reasonable to expect

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Regan Wolfrom: The Big Disraeli Plan: Four Years Late

“I must follow the people. Am I not their leader?” – 19th century British statesman and Winnipeg freeway namesake Benjamin Disraeli. A few bloggers (Graham the rabblerouser and the ever-mysterious Black Rod) have mentioned that some citizens, including myself, had brought plans forward regarding the Disraeli Bridges Project.  My plan, based on conversations with literally […]

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