
Apparently, there is great fear among politicians that Karla Homolka is going to be pardoned ( I'm not an expert on pardons, but I didn't think they were...

Liberals Flunk Economics

Or so Zogby would have you believe. They did a poll where they made statements about “basic economic” issues and saw that the left-leaning people got the answers wrong. Now,…

Liberals Flunk Economics

Or so Zogby would have you believe.They did a poll where they made statements about "basic economic" issues and saw that the left-leaning people got the answers wrong.Now, you're probably…

Liberals Flunk Economics

Or so Zogby would have you believe. They did a poll where they made statements about “basic economic” issues and saw that the left-leaning people got the answers wrong. Now,…

Holy Crap!!

Well! It's been quite a day so far. Woke up to 11,000 views of the video (now 17,000+ nearly 20,000 23,601), three interview requests (now five), clips on 680 News,…

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