Paul S. Graham: Video: CUPE President Paul Moist warns against the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement

The governments of Canada and the European Union are negotiating a treaty called the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement. They hope to sign it by the end of 2011. This treaty will take power from local governments in Canada and give it to large transnational corporations headquartered in Europe. These huge companies could take over […]

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Impolitical: Late night

Are you tired of Glastonbury yet? I’m not. Yes, Beyonce with her all girl band it is tonight. She was quite awesome on Sunday, closed it out. This fan video is not bad actually, it sounds good even though it’s a bit jumpy visually. You have to be Amer…

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Hey, Let’s Get Pammy…

SheMightTryItOutreachIsEverythingVilleSo.Christy Clark won’t debate Adrian Dix on the HST.Well, given that Pamela Martin’s new job is, allegedly, to…. “improve public awareness and engagement and ensure communication is a two-way conversation.”maybe …

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