The Conservative Ministry of Truth

I’m all for the new Office of Religious Freedom the Conservative government is due to unveil, pun fully intended. It won’t be accessible to Canadian niqabis, presently denied social services, employment and the right to vote in Quebec, and citizenship in Ottawa. But it will provide, for this reason and

Continue reading Larry O’Brien endorses Ron Paul

Larry O’Brien has declared Ron Paul as his hope for President of the United States. He likes his economic policies, which include immediately balancing the budget while eliminating the Federal Reserve and abolishing income taxes! You’d think Larry might have learned from his own failed attempts at budgeting that some

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Accidental Deliberations: Anyone But

As promised, let’s take a closer look at the dynamics of “anyone but” movements in leadership campaigns – with a particular focus on whether one looks likely to develop in the NDP’s current race. The most obvious prerequisite for an “anyone but” movement is the perception that a particular candidate

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