Paying for privacy invasions

What’s that? Telecoms and ISPs will have to spend lots of money to create spy infrastructure and backdoors for police as part of the Lawful Access bill, and those costs will be passed on to consumers? You don’t say! Meanwhile, here are some “inconvenient truths” about the bill on both sides of

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Canadian Progressive World: Willie Nelson & Our Beautiful Sustainable New World

Willie Nelson & Our Beautiful Sustainable New World (via EcoLocalizer) television commercial,inhumane factory farming,Willie Nelson,urgent importance,urgent need,visual masterpiece,horrific damage,significant task,Coldlpay song,resonant message,majestic poetry,Mexican restaurant,educational animation,short film,sustainable way,loathe,Coldplay,genius,antibiotics,restructuring,factory,chemicals,food system,deftly,The film,Chipotle

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