The Vagina Ideologues

Oh joy, rapture and crapture!  More excited delirium from the “Government-Small-Enough-to-Crawl-Up-Your-Vagina-and-Police-Your-Uterus” crowd: Conservative Arizona lawmakers hope Arizona will join a handful of other states in banning most abortions after 20 weeks of gestation, as proposed in House Bill 2036. House Bill 2800, which would strip Planned Parenthood of federal funds

Continue reading - Alberta politics blog: alberta election 2012: ian urquhart for senate.

Ian Urquhart for Senate Bringing some political diversity to the race, University of Alberta Political Science Professor Ian Urquhart has announced that he will run as an Independent candidate in the upcoming Senator-in-Waiting election. Active with the Alberta Wilderness Association, Dr. Urquhart is the first openly centre-left candidate to join the contest. His candidacy gives

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Convention Predictions

I’ll do a more detailed post about who my actual pics for leader are, but right now I’m going to share my predictions. 1. Thomas Mulcair will win on the 5th ballot. 2. Nathan Cullen (who was my first choice) will place a strong second. 3. Brian Topp really won’t

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Molly'sBlog: Molly’sBlog 2012-03-20 21:49:00

CANADIAN POLITICS: DEFEND OUR SOCIAL HOUSING: True to form our present federal Conservative government is quite content to see funding for “social housing” (co-op, non-profit and public housing) gradually wither away as the following article demonstrates. The Harperites must be particularily happy that this is a trend inherited from previous

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DeSmogBlog: GWPF & The Hockey Stick Curve

gwpf_0.jpeg The previous post in this series examined the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF) Briefing Paper No3 "The Truth About Greenhouse  Gases". Despite its title, Briefing Paper No3 said very little about such gases. Yet one subject (not directly to do with greenhouse gases) was discussed at some length within

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