April Reign: Ashes to Ashes

April Reign Gizmodo has an article on designs that differ from the usual burial experience. Some are wonderful, the wind chime I’m not as sure about. April Reign – In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.

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Northern Reflections: Blatant Hypocrisy

Martin Regg Cohn calls Rob Ford’s bluster, after his meeting with Ontario Finance Minister Charles Sousa, exactly what  it is — blatant hypocrisy.  And Cohn provides a little historical context: Once upon a government, when the Mike Harris Tories downloaded social services upon Toronto (with Rob Ford’s father, Douglas, serving

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Scott's DiaTribes: Amateur Hour

I’m not sure this should surprise anyone, given the way the PMO has acted recently: The Prime Minister’s Office orchestrated a protest earlier this month at which Conservative party interns mocked Liberal leader Justin Trudeau during an open-air news conference. It is the latest revelation about the lengths to which

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