Alberta Politics: What did Danielle Smith say after the shooting at Edmonton City Hall? Nothing! She was too busy chatting with Tucker Carlson!

That startling sound you heard yesterday was probably just a co-worker spitting their coffee over their smartphone after Alberta Premier Danielle Smith clutched her pearls and advised progressive politicians to take it easy on their MAGA Canada counterparts lest someone get hurt. A screenshot of security camera footage of the

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Alberta Politics: That bid to create a separate Sheriffs Branch officers’ union can’t succeed without help from the UCP Government – so what’s up? 

Despite media coverage Thursday about a group of Alberta Sheriffs Branch officers who say they’d like to break away from the Alberta Union of Provincial Employees and form their own union, that could not happen without support from the United Conservative Party Government. Sheriff Branch Officers Association President Dornubari Tornwe

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Queer-liberal: Donald Trump suffers assassination attempt after 9 years of promoting violence and vicious disrespect against his own political opponents including inciting the Jan 6th insurrection

Yesterday, a horrifying and terrible incident happened in Butler, Pennsylvania where a gunman shot bullets at Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump during an outdoor political rally, grazing Trump’s ear, critically injuring two other spectators, and killing another innocent spectator.  Secret service on the scene within seconds shot dead the shooter,

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