Terahertz: A pox on (some of) your houses

Recently, numerous allegations have flown throughout the blogosphere (at least, the portion that I read), identifying numerous high-profile skeptics/atheists/scientists as varying degrees of creepy to rapist. Others have jumped to their defense, crying that we ought to be skeptical of anonymous accusations and that women ought to just drink less.

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Morton's Musings: Mistake in contract

Lee v. 1435375 Ontario Ltd., 2013 ONCA 516: [37]       The formation of a legally binding contract requires a meeting of the minds –consensus ad idem. When the meeting of the minds is based on a common error as to some fundamental fact, the parties’ agreement, viewed objectively, is “robbed of all efficacy”: Ron Ghitter Property Consultants,

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Morton's Musings: The Provincial Offences Court, and the Ontario Court of Justice to which appeals go from that court, are the face of justice to many citizens

R. v. Massara, 2013 ONCA 519:   [15]       Mr. Massara takes issue with the fairness of the proceeding on the motion before the appeal court judge and with the disposition. The Provincial Offences Court, and the Ontario Court of Justice to which appeals go from that court, are the face

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