The Wheatsheaf: Re Shuffling

Stephen Harper shuffles his cabinet as often as he shuffles his principles. Because he is stuck with a minority government that prevents him from his goal of controller of Canada, this happens to be pretty often. Well… at least often in the sense that principles are pillars of support that

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The Wheatsheaf: House Cleaning

Happy New Years. May the year be heavy on the clover. Doing a little house cleaning here at by tossing out my two bits on perennial topics of interest. First up: The Polls. Apparently Canadians do care about prorogation and do not care about Ignatieff. Despite all the wonderful

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A. Picazo: Shit Craig Chandler Says

BONUS Chandler rants! Chandler on Calgary mayoral candidate Naheed Nenshi: Poetry in motion, Chandler style: You think Veterans are safe from Chandler’s hysterics? No. (He’s in the 4th shot, but the full conversation is provided for context): The federal election will be held May 2, which means …. Liberals hate

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