The Wingnuterer: RoboCon and the Big Pile of Dead Stupidity

RoboCon, RoboGate and/or RoboCalls,… Listening to the various CPC RoboPosters this whole RoboScandal is some massive diabolical Liberal/Dipper/Anarchist/OccupyWallStr. Drum Circle conspiracy to make Harper and the CPC look bad. So lets see if you can make sense of this Liberal/Dipper/Anarchist/OccupyWallStr. Drum Circle conspiracy works. Liberal/Dipper/Anarchist/Occupy Drum Circle operative buys a

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The Wingnuterer: Well That SUCKED!!!

Just got hit on my bike while cycling south at Yonge Street.  It happened at one of those intersection where it is two “T” intersections.   I saw the guy creeping forward into the intersection and I was already in it.   It was happening like it was molasses.  I started to break and veer and knew […]

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The Wingnuterer: I’ve Got SPAM

Thoses who know me, or at least my writing (the poor quality, terrible speeling , double plus bad gammer and my absolute pride in being so crappy), will want to put their coffees down, swallow any food you’re eating,… Ok?
I try to check my spam folder on The Wingnuterer daily, to make sure no valid […]

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