Trashy's World: Why work?

Actual conversation between my 7 year daughter and I yesterday. Daughter: When are we going to Montreal? Me: Well, I’m not going. You and your brother and Mommy are going next week. I have to go back to work on Monday. Daughter: Why? Me: Because my summer holidays are over and now it’s time for […]

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Trashy's World: Norway = steadfast

At a simple ceremony at Oslo’s cathedral, a characteristically austere building surrounded by flowers and candles left by mourners, Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg seemed to express the country’s mood of defiant grief. “You should know that we’re crying with you. We feel for you… I am proud of living in a country that has managed […]

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Trashy's World: WTF…

… Is this new military logo for the Winnipeg Jets? Did the Harperites provide funding only if the owners adopted a warlike symbol for the new team?
Crap. I really don’t like the direction to which this once proud but humble country is head…

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