Trashy's World: Credit where due…

I’m becoming increasingly impressed with the degree to which some public and private organisations are using social media to improve customer service. Case in point: the hydro pole in my elderly neighbour’s back yard had begun to tilt dramatically over the past year or so. So much so that my

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Trashy's World: This is beyond crazy…

The Minister for NRCan’s view on climate change? Meh. No biggie. “I think that people aren’t as worried as they were before about global warming of two degrees,” Oliver said in an editorial board interview with Montreal daily newspaper, La Presse. “Scientists have recently told us that our fears (on

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Trashy's World: Yeah, yeah…

… I KNOW that the only poll that matters is the one held on E Day, but for Libs like me, this is encouraging: The latest Nanos tracking numbers reveal that national support for the Liberal Party is at 35.4%, just ahead of the Conservatives at 31.3%. Liberal support has

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Trashy's World: To clarify…

… Something about my post yesterday about ex PM Thatcher’s death… I admired her as a leader of conviction, as a woman who was a trailblazer for female politicians everywhere, and as a savvy politician. I would say the first and last points about some other conservative pols, as well…

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Trashy's World: Say what?

The Canadian government is OK with drought and all of the human and environmental tragedies that go with it? Really? What is Stevo thinking? We can get a higher price for water exports to countries with drought conditions? Admitting that drought is a problem might be seen as an admission

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Trashy's World: Friday miscellany…

… colder than Vic Toews at a homeless shelter edition. Robbie’s Follies… Will he stay or will he go? We’ll know this morning. ================================================================================== As I am apt to do once in a while, I lamented the absence of a party leader, outside the GPO, with the balls to start

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Trashy's World: Friday miscellany…

… the “Ah!”, edition. Saturday is Gun Appreciation Day in the U S of A! No, this isn’t an Onion article. _______________________________________________________________________________________ Like a million monkeys hammering in a million keyboards, something coherent might eventually pop out. Such is the case with the Ottawa Sun in this article which argues

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