The Maple Monarchists - Blog: Building Institutions: An Update on the State of Academic Research on Monarchy

In the decade since my first post on this topic there has been an explosion in interest regarding whether having a monarchy has tangible effects on a country’s development. As it turns out a growing body of research says it does(sometimes to the surprise of the researchers themselves). Today I wanted to highlight two studies I’verecently come

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The Maple Monarchists - Blog: Royal Cups: Sports Awards in Canada with Royal Roots

Taaaaaall Cup Across Canada sports events are held every year which have a royal connection or an award connecting back to the monarchy. I wrote about one such event last September, The Royal Saint John’s Regatta.  Sports bring people together in a shared activity. This smooths over differences andprovides a positive means of channeling rivalries. This is

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The Maple Monarchists - Blog: Should the Provincial Loyalist Days be Celebrated on the Same Date?

The Loyalists usually only get the briefest of mentioned when the history of Canada is discussed. This is a tad unfortunate as the arrival of the Loyalists forever altered the trajectory of British North America and laid a solid groundwork for a uniquelyCanadian take on governance. They really should be discussed more. That said, this article

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The Maple Monarchists - Blog: Prince William, Noblesse Oblige, and Ending Homelessness

Earlier this week Prince William announced his plan to end homelessness in the United Kingdom. The initiative is called ‘Homewards’ and takes inspiration from a similar program in Finland, which has nearly halved itshomeless numbers since 2010.Under the Homewards program the homeless will be given aplace to stay before other issues such as drug use, joblessness,or

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The Maple Monarchists - Blog: Justin Trudeau’s Partial About Face on the Monarchy

Photo Credit: Reuters I have, for a while now, been critical of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s handling of the monarchy. Perhaps, surprisingly, he has done several positive things for the monarchy in a very short amount of time and it is worth examining what the effects of his actions will be.  Approval of Coronation Medallions Trudeau faced a fair amount

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The Maple Monarchists - Blog: Romana Didulo: Canada’s False Pretender

The face of treason There has been, since 2020, a woman in Canada claiming to be the real Queen of Canada. Her name is Romana Didulo. The basis of her claim to the throne? Nothing. No secret royal parentage and certainly no popular acclaim or noble support. Some media outlets in their eternal quest for neutrality use the word ‘pretender’ and repeat her self-granted title.

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