Half an Hour: Consciousness

Consciousness seems to be mysterious to most people. How does subjective experience arise? What is the relation between the perception of redness, say, or the thought that “Paris is the capital of France,” and the purely physical mechanisms that Dennett believes – and I believe – constitute human processes of

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Half an Hour: Innovation and Value

Responding to George Couros, Thinking About Research, Innovation, Test-Scores, and Creativity You write (and this is the theme of the whole post, really): “One thing I am still adamant about…know the people you serve and move backward from there.  That is always your best bet.” My experience is that you can’t

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Half an Hour: The Future of Learning Management Systems: Development, Innovation and Change

Phil Hill Summary notes from the presentation at from at the World Conference on Online Learning, Toronto. Slides: https://www.slideshare.net/PhilHill3/hill-slides-world-congress-session-20171018/1 We forget about the perspective of time. Let’s look at 2011-2017. Thrun was saying (2012) 50 years from now there will only be ten institutions delivering higher education. This was the perfect example of hype

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