Payola: Not just for $ and P anymore!

A while back, I posted about how a certain ratings agency takes payola. Now, it looks like another one also does: A former senior analyst at Moody’s has gone public with his story of how one of the country’s most important rating agencies is corrupted to the core. The analyst, William J. Harrington, worked for […]

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Putin asks a pertinent question

Does anyone have a pertinent answer for him? I think someone does: As usual, it’s the OIL, stupid! Meanwhile, Glenn Greenwald summarizes why no decent person should support what NATO is doing to Libya: No decent human being would possibly harbor any sympathy for Gadaffi, just as none harbored any for Saddam. It’s impossible not […]

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Dear Jack…

Dear Jack Layton: I don’t know if you remember me, but I will never forget you. We met in the mid-1990s, briefly, during the city council elections in Toronto. I was a journalism student at Ryerson University then. We were encouraged to take an interest in local politics and report on those issues. And since […]

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Heroes for Today: Maxine Waters

She tells the teabags where they can go (hint: it’s the same place they’re trying to drag their entire country.) You may also recall her from this opening scene in Fahrenheit 9/11: This is the kind of fighting spirit that’s needed the world over, as the banksters try to hook us all into virtual slavery. […]

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Wankers of the Week: Children of the Corn

Oh, Basement Cat. You didn’t! Crappy weekend, everyone! Are we enjoying fairground season yet? No? What, all those windstorms knocking down shoddily constructed stages and killing people getting you down? Shoot, that ain’t nothin’ but that global warming that we all know doesn’t exist. And if it doesn’t exist, then those people must be undead. […]

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An icky, creepy (yet strangely apt) similarity

Separated at birth? On the left, “Dr.” Marcus Bachmann, spouse of a certain US Republican presidential aspirant, and professional homophobe who always sets my gaydar bleeping. On the right, John Wayne Gacy, psychopath, serial killer of young men and repressed homosexual. No respectable, accredited psychologist or psychiatrist would call homosexuality a disease, much less attempt […]

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Is the LAHT a bunch of Koch-suckers?

I’ve always had my suspicions about a certain crappy “news” outlet pretentiously calling itself the “Latin American Herald Tribune”. I never did trust it; there was something of a rightist stench about it. And today, I received this in my e-mail. I think it tells us something about who may in fact be behind them, […]

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Wankers of the Week: London Burning

Crappy weekend, everyone! Well. How about those riots in Merry Old England, eh? Looks like London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down…and not just in London, my fair ladies (and gents). Shit is hitting the fan all over the place. And here are some of the choicest turd-nuggets of the past week, goin’ […]

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