The Adjuster.

SundayMorningComingDown RealLifeVille ‘The Adjuster’ is an early movie from Atom Agoyan who, weirdly enough, went to high school with my wife. But that’s not the real life part of this post. Instead, the reality is provided by Ian Reid, who has to adjust all the time. Much moreso than most

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The Milewski Clarification….

…On ‘The House’ This Morning. Wherein he made it explicitly clear that he identified some voters who were contacted by live callers who attempted to misdirect them. And those live callers identified themselves as being from the Conservative Party, and when they checked it turned out to be true. (and

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The Return Of Ron Obvious.

IsAColumnABirdcageToBeLined ChichesterCathedralVille It would appear that Gary Mason, like the good Mr. Obvious, has once again tried to jump the sharks across the English Channel: …From routinely taking potshots at Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his party while a Liberal-friendly radio host, Ms. Clark has turned to the Conservative Leader

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Wonder If The Birdman Wants To Send The Judges To…

. …His Highly-Concentrated Northern Relocation Camps. Why? Well, it would appear that, based on the reporting of The Globe’s S.Dhillon and J.Hunter, dem judges, dey gettin’ uppity: Asserting that the judicial branch must remain independent of policies that “could control or manipulate proceedings,” British Columbia’s top three judges have delivered

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Did The Birdman’s People Even Bother To…

. ….Talk To Anybody Up North Before He Floated His Highly Concentrated Welfare Relocation Plan? Why do we ask? Well, it would appear that more than one mayor from British Columbia’s Northern Hurtland is concerned about all that re-locationary concentration. For all the right reasons. The CP has the story:

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It Was Not From The (not)Premier’s Office…

AllTheAdvisory’sThatDon’tFit PressThisGangVille The (not)Premier’s new communications director, who at least is paid by the (not)Premier’s office budget (we think), makes it clear that things ’round here are about to get very Harpoony, indeed. The following is the raw feed from Global TeeVee news of an ‘encounter’ between the press, who

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Christy Clark To People….

. “Budget? Me Don’t Need No Stinkin’ (Office) Budget!” I’m beginning to wonder…. Did the VSun’s J. Fowlie get a Holmanesque brain transplant recently? Why? Because he (i.e. Fowlie) sure been doing some top-rate, just-under-the-radar, FOI-based digging of late… The following is the lede from Mr. Fowlie’s most recent proBlog

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Do Oil Tankers and Listeria Mix Well

De-RegulateEverything ‘CauseWeSaidSoVille So. The MacDonald-Laurier Institute for no rules is saying, based on the answers of ‘three experts to three questions’ that banning oil tankers on the West Coast would wreak economic havoc and would, and I quote: “…almost no discernible environmental benefits….” Sure thing. And letting self-regulating meat-cutters allow

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