Canadian Dimension: In blow to Canadian mining companies, Ecuador rejects international arbitration

Members of Mujeres Amazónicas, an Indigenous environmental rights collective, march in Quito, Ecuador. Photo courtesy Mujeres Amazónicas/Instagram. On April 22, Ecuadorian President Daniel Noboa held a public referendum on 11 proposals, most of which concerned the country’s collapsing security situation. Since Ecuador turned away from socialist-oriented policies in 2017, it

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Canadian Dimension: AMLO’s push for environmental reforms angers Canadian mining sector

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador waving the flag of Mexico. Photo from Wikimedia Commons. In early February, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) proposed a package of 20 constitutional reforms. Though the entire package is unlikely to survive congressional pushback—AMLO’s MORENA party lacks a two-thirds supermajority—the proposed reforms

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