Northern Reflections: Coyne On Harper

The naive among us predicted that, after winning a majority, Stephen Harper’s governing style would change. Secure in the knowledge that he had the votes to get his way, they argued, he would act like a statesman. But on the anniversary of his victory, Andrew Coyne writes, nothing has changed:

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Northern Reflections: Taking Parliament Hostage

Globe and Mail columnist John Ibbitson writes that Stephen Harper has been “unbound.” What that really means is that he has neutered Parliament. If you don’t believe that’s true, writes Andrew Coyne, take a look at Bill C-38, the government’s “omnibus” budget bill: When the Harper government packages legislation these

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Northern Reflections: Square Heads

David Olive is right. Michael Ignatieff does not understand Canada. Certainly his conclusion that Quebec independence is inevitable must have Pierre Trudeau hurling curses at him from beyond the grave. On the other hand, it’s hard to disagree with Jeffrey Simpson’s conclusion that, “not since the first Diefenbaker government of

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Northern Reflections: Double Booking

Michael Freguson revealed that, when it came to the purchase of the F35 JSF, the Harper government was keeping two sets of books. Now parliamentary budget officer Kevin Page has revealed that, when it comes to federal spending cuts, the Harperites are adopting the same strategy. According to yesterday’s Ottawa

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