Northern Reflections: No Progressive

The Harperites — not surprisingly — accused Thomas Mulcair of traitorous behaviour when, during his recent Washinton gambit, he did not give his full throated support to the Keystone XL pipeline. He was, they said, damaging Canada’s international reputation. But four of Canada’s former prime ministers have recently suggested that

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Northern Reflections: EI Backlash

Stephen Harper does not play well with others. Chantal Hebert writes: Under Harper, the First Ministers no longer gather and the unsolicited input of the premiers usually falls on deaf ears. The adoption without compensation to the provinces of a potentially costly law-and-order agenda; the imposition of a new funding

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Northern Reflections: Real Economists

Jim Flaherty dances to Stephen Harper’s tune. Flaherty, after all, is merely a lawyer. Harper likes to remind everyone that he possesses a master’s degree from the University of Calgary. And, during the last election, he promised Canadians that his government would balance the budget by 2015. A real economist

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Northern Reflections: Feed The Hungry

The United Nations Right To Food Envoy, Olivier De Shutter, has taken the Harper government to task for its cavalier treatment of the hungry: The United Nations right-to-food envoy says the Harper government’s controversial decisions to scrap the long-form census and negotiate a free trade deal with Europe will make

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Northern Reflections: Not Very Bright

The Harperites will troll for votes wherever they can find them. That includes immigrant communities. But, at their core, they fear “the other” — those who don’t see the world as they do. That attitude is most evident in their attitude toward refugees and their access to health care. Carol

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Northern Reflections: The Second Coming

The word on the street is that the Harper government has informed Washington that, if it doesn’t approve the Keystone XL Pipeline, there will be a catastrophic rupture in Canadian-American relations — “the biggest deep freeze in Canada-U.S. relations ever.” Now, there’s a threat which must have caused panic in

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Northern Reflections: Sleeping Through Disaster

Jeffrey Simpson has an interesting column in this morning’s Globe and Mail. The Conservatives equate majority government with majority support. But, Simpson writes, despite their attempts to change the Canadian character, the Harperites are still a distinct minority: Reading the latest Focus Canada survey from the Environics Institute, however, illustrates

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